शुक्रवार, 11 अप्रैल 2014
बुधवार, 9 अप्रैल 2014
Meditation and Crying
Crying helps cleanse the nerves, the liver and blood. A good cry often improves our moods and restores our perception.
गुरुवार, 3 अप्रैल 2014
Deep sleep tips
Sleeping left side is bad for deep sleep.....dreams come more and more in this posture. So let sleep on right side for deep and healthy sleep.
Snoring and obesity
One of the biggest cause of obesity is snoring, so let practice some moon dominated pranayama and mediation .......
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)
Displacement and it’s adjustment of nabhi through asana and meditation. It is believed that mostly physical diseases come through navel diso...
Q-Is there any permanent solution for Dislocated Navel? A-Yes, Yoga gives you a permanent cure of this acute problem. Except yoga there is n...