Dear sir
Some two years back I got stomach problems
like hyperacidity, loose motoions & constipation which ultimately
leads to loss of appetite, loss in weight, anxiety, frustration.
Doctor adviced me to go through endoscopy & the reports
said "Hiatus Hernia" which means stomach displaced up. I took medicine
but all in vain. Then one another doctor suggessted me to go for
laproscopic surgery. Doctors tried to repair hiatus hernia but again in
After that I came to
know that its a problem of "Navel displacement". I tried to repair it
from old expert peoples but no effect. I lost all my hopes.
I searced a lot in web
about navel displacement & lastly I learned that this problem has
only solution & that is "yoga". As this a Mechanical problem this
can be cured only with exercise. I got the contact no. Of chaitanya
foundation & get contacted with Acharya Anoop & he heard my
problem & checked. My navel was towards upper left side.
Acharya ji just gave me just 10 simple yogic asnas &
believe me from the very first day I start getting the results &
only after one month navel comes bck to its position.
For navel displacement I think there's no other way to get
is corrected except yoga. I tried everything but problem never ends.
But the only thing is that just have patience & believe in your yog
Amit Tandon
Amit Tandon