गुरुवार, 2 अगस्त 2012

Nabhi Displacement (shifted)

Dear,Yogi anoop ji

I am from bareilly U.P.am 19 yrs old .my navel is displace from childhood.my stomach is very hurt and swelled.navel also displaced in left side.sometime loos motion too.i read about yoga asana on the net and if am tried to do asana like CHAKRASANA,BHUJANGASANA but my stomach is more hurt.navel condion is very low its fall again and again .5 years ago a man rubbed my stomach after that my problem has increased.if i need to come to your vasantvihar place i want to know any kind of manage to stay there?PLZ HELP...

You don't need to practice Chakrasana or wheel pose, do only some sukshma or micro exercises.

Dear Yogi Anoop ji,

I live in delhi (west delhi), i would like to meet you regarding naval dislocation problem. Kindly let me the know the time and venue, as per your convenience, where I can come to meet u.


Dear Mr. Anup,

I am suffering from naval displacement for the last 3 years..
Can you suggest any treatment or yoga?

I want to completely fit from this disease..

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