Feeling emptiness is called depression. When you start feeling negative continuously, and loose self control, then depression exist. You need to manage it through yoga, pranayam and meditation.
रविवार, 31 अक्टूबर 2010
शुक्रवार, 29 अक्टूबर 2010
Don't do Yoga because Bible doesn't say
I am not going to identify the individual name but some of Cristian believes that Yoga is purely a Hindu practice. And some of Cristian followers also believe that Hindu's Master are cheating to mass.We Christians are not expected to believe or practice anything which is not mentioned or recommended in the Bible. Don't do Yoga because Bible doesn't say it is needed for the Christians.
As my opinion, I have no any single word to say that they are but I can say only that they have no any idea about yoga and meditation philosophy. In yoga, great seers had written'' how to live a perfect way of life''. Americans are very clever, they know perfectly what is good and bad for them, they are well literate and well educated, so not need to oppose it. They know that yoga nothing to do with Hindu religion. It suggest only a technique for self development. If you do yoga it doesn't mean that you will start hating to your own religion or god. Even yoga can help you to focus on your god.
Yogi Anoop
(Popular Indian Yoga Master)
As my opinion, I have no any single word to say that they are but I can say only that they have no any idea about yoga and meditation philosophy. In yoga, great seers had written'' how to live a perfect way of life''. Americans are very clever, they know perfectly what is good and bad for them, they are well literate and well educated, so not need to oppose it. They know that yoga nothing to do with Hindu religion. It suggest only a technique for self development. If you do yoga it doesn't mean that you will start hating to your own religion or god. Even yoga can help you to focus on your god.
Yogi Anoop
(Popular Indian Yoga Master)
मंगलवार, 26 अक्टूबर 2010
शुक्रवार, 22 अक्टूबर 2010
NUDE YOGA: Feel the Liberation
I got a call from Shruti reporter ''LONDON TIMES'' today. She asked me about NUDE YOGA which is being popular in American Play Boy. What about your views?
I replied: Actually you can earn money through yoga meditation. There is no problem to earn money through any profession. If anybody earn money through yoga asana in positive way, then I will be very happy to support them . But if you try to earn money by negative propaganda, then it is not good. If you try to mold your traditional thing, then it is totally wrong. Our attitude should be in right direction. I know, you can earn money very fast by this way but you can also earn money through way.........
with great regards,
Yogi Anoop Kumar
Yoga meditation Master in Delhi
रविवार, 17 अक्टूबर 2010
Don't do Yoga
अमेरिकेन पादरी का कहना है योगा शैतानी प्रवित्ति पैदा करता है, क्रिस्चियन को इसे नहीं करना चाहिए.
सत्य तो ये है कि पादरी महोदय एक भोले व्यक्ति हैं जिन्हें न तो विज्ञानं का और न ही अध्यात्म का ज्ञान है. धार्मिक जड़ता से परेशान हैं . योग तो एक अधत्मिक विज्ञानं है जिसका धर्म से कोई लेना देना नहीं है. और यदि धर्म से लेना देना भी होता तो अच्छी चीजों को ग्रहण करने में भला क्या बुराई.
Head Lines Today ने मेरा interview लिया जिसमे मेरा यही कहना था कि क्रिस्चियन समाज इतना शिक्षित समाज है कि इन कट्टर लोगों से प्रभावित होने वाले नहीं हैं.
सत्य तो ये है कि पादरी महोदय एक भोले व्यक्ति हैं जिन्हें न तो विज्ञानं का और न ही अध्यात्म का ज्ञान है. धार्मिक जड़ता से परेशान हैं . योग तो एक अधत्मिक विज्ञानं है जिसका धर्म से कोई लेना देना नहीं है. और यदि धर्म से लेना देना भी होता तो अच्छी चीजों को ग्रहण करने में भला क्या बुराई.
Head Lines Today ने मेरा interview लिया जिसमे मेरा यही कहना था कि क्रिस्चियन समाज इतना शिक्षित समाज है कि इन कट्टर लोगों से प्रभावित होने वाले नहीं हैं.
शनिवार, 2 अक्टूबर 2010
A lot of crowded thoughts into our mind through the senses which perceive the out side world. These 'viruses’ are- kam (lust or desire) krodh (anger), mad (arrogance) moh (attachment) lobh (greed). These five elements, which are discussed in the Upanishads, give rise to many vices.
These are some factors which I have noticed lead to excessive stress.
· An over desirous mind.
· Excessive and negative competitiveness.
· Over Attachment to material things and negative emotions.
· Over Consciousness about illness (hypochondraicm).
· Lust and Greediness.
· Anger and hostility.
· Loneliness.
by acharya anoop
शुक्रवार, 1 अक्टूबर 2010
Conflicting Thoughts
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)
Displacement and it’s adjustment of nabhi through asana and meditation. It is believed that mostly physical diseases come through navel diso...
Q-Is there any permanent solution for Dislocated Navel? A-Yes, Yoga gives you a permanent cure of this acute problem. Except yoga there is n...