According to yogic science there are nine main opening centers in the body, called chakra. Among these centers, manipur or navel chakras plays great role in the human body. It is placed at navel portion. The network of all the main nerves of the body get accumulated at three places, they are brain, heart and navel. As per some experts navel is also known as the second brain of our body. It plays an important role for circulating, development and circulation of the human body.
In the yoga science at the end of human being (death), heart stops beating immediately but the vital energy of navel alive five to six minute even after death. . If an experienced person is able to establish contact between vital life energy of navel and heart then there is a chance of saving one’s life.
If the navel is dislocated, the person looses the natural energy of the body and mind. Production of semen reduces very fast during unhealthy navel. Impotency may come due to this dislocated navel.
I have seen in my experience that major cause of navel shifting is; excess vata and emotional stress. If vata is imbalanced in the body then navel will be shifted and unmanageable stress.
The person complains of pain and tension on the right upper side of the body and this could affect the liver, gall bladder, abdomen and right kidney. Sometimes the person also complains of pain in lumbar region (waist part) or left leg.
It affects the right side of the body. It causes stiffness in kidneys, intestines along with pain.
It causes pain, tension and stiffness in the right lower part of the body. It affects the pancreas, spleen and left kidney. It could also lead to menstrual disorders in women.
When navel shifts towards right side: It causes pain and tension on the lower side of the body. It affects liver, gall bladder, and left kidney along with intestinal problems.
Navel can be corrected with Yoga practice also. Practice Shalabh Asana, Purna Shalabh Asana, Dhanur Asana, Boat Pose, Tada Asana and Matsy Asana to maintain the correct position of navel. Uttanapadasana: Lie down and relax the body. Raise the legs up to 30, 45 and 60 degrees in three instances. Breathe in while going up and breath out while coming down. Do not bend the legs at knees, stretch out the toes completely. This can be done with one leg at a time or both legs simultaneously. Dhanurasana: Lie down on stomach and hold the ankles with both hands. The shape of the body in this position looks like a bow, hence the name Dhanurasana. Sometimes this asana is also done sitting in Vajrasana and bending backwards to hold the ankles. Do Poorak and raise the navel area. Then raise the legs and hands up to one foot. Raise the chest and head forwards. Bring down the hands and legs when you want to breath in. Sit straight and stretch the legs. Bend the right leg and place it on the left knee. Try to touch the floor with right knee, repeat it at least five times but do not do in excess. Similarly repeat it with the left knee. This exercise is useful for balancing the navel.