Fittness Tips For Corporate
Simply sit straight and comfertably, try to close your eyes for some times.........
1- Try to sit straight
2- Try to breath slow and steady.
3- Try to pump you calf muscles for few second
4- try to give strain
शुक्रवार, 26 मार्च 2010
रविवार, 21 मार्च 2010
navel displacement treatment Tips

Some important tips for managing dislocated navel:
1-Avoid to eat maida,spicy and oily food.
2-Avoid cold drinks, alcohol and nonvege.
3-Do not sit more than three hour at a stretch.
4-Avoid mental disorder and anxiety.
Recommended Exercises Tips.
1- Walk is preferable daily.
2- Shalabh Asana
3- boat pose
4- Bhujang Asana
5- Anulom-Vilom Pranayam
शनिवार, 20 मार्च 2010
हमारे अन्दर एकाग्रता बहुत अधिक मौजूद होती है । उसे बढ़ाने कि जरूरत नहीं होती है । जैसे माँ अपने बच्चे से प्रेम करती है, कितनी भी देर तक कर सकती है। उसे बच्चे से प्रेम करने के लिए एकाग्रता बढ़ाने कि जरूरत नहीं। लेकिन वन्ही जब वो कोई दूसरा कार्य करती है तो वंहा पर एकाग्रता कि जरूरत पड़ती है। वंहा उसका मन नहीं लगता है। यही समस्या हम सभी के साथ है कंही न कंही है । किसी कार्य में यदि अच्छी भावना हो, उसके प्रति प्रेम हो तो उस कार्य में एकाग्रता अपने आप होने लगती है । वंहा पर आपको मन जबरजस्ती लगाना नहीं पड़ेगा। अपने आप लग जायेगा। मेरा कहने का अर्थ है कि किसी भी कार्य के प्रति भावना लायें , उससे प्रेम करें तो एकाग्रता अपने आप लग जाएगी। यही हमें समझना है।
शुक्रवार, 19 मार्च 2010
Don't try to Increase your concentration level
you dont need to increase concentration level during to read a novel. but when you start to do some job at your desk in the office, then you need to increase concentration. why? just because of your attention and attitude.... actually you don't need to increase concentration level ...or sensual effort unnecessary, because it is already in you. now you only need to understand your attitude and attention. Now days a lot of baba's or so called God Man try to increase concentration level and also provides so many techniques for increasing concentration. but do you think it is possible to increase it. I dont think so.
मंगलवार, 16 मार्च 2010
सोमवार, 15 मार्च 2010
Developing Healthier, Happier and More Productive officers
I have developed a unique yoga & meditation syllabus for increasing right attitude and de-stress level. In yoga philosophy, there are so many misconceptions. Most of us believe that asana and pranayam cure physical diseases like overweight, diabetes etc. But we always ignore about our ‘attitude’. The role of attitude in our life is most important. If it is not in right direction, you cannot survive. You cannot even enjoy with your own life. Productivity and creativity come only through the right attitude, not through disease-less body. You can even control your physical diseases through drugs. But how can you change your attitude in right direction? It cannot be controlled by any drugs. As Yoga and meditation says that most of physical and mental diseases come through negative attitude and stress.
When we are in right attitude, we find that our interactions with the world and ourselves become brighter, more productive and perpetuate the ‘feel good’ factor. This in turn makes us healthier, successful and more peaceful.
Why attitude is important for our body, mind and spirit:
Attitude is how we treat others
Attitude is the way we approach life
Attitude is contagious
Attitude is how we respond to challenges
Attitude affects our health
Attitude affects our relationships
Attitude is our personal trademark
Attitude determines if we fly or fall
Attitude creates experiences for you and others
• Illnesses linked to negative attitude account for more than two-thirds of
employee visits to hospitals.
• More than $200 billion per year is lost to industry from Attitude & Stress-
related ailments.
• More than HALF of all job absences are attributed to chronic pain, hypertension and headache? Even it comes through negative attitude and stress.
• A full one-third of adults cite high job-related stress nearly every day.
• Does your body support your mind?
• Does your mind support your body?
• Does your attitude support your organization?
COURSE PURPOSE: The main purpose of the course is reducing high stress level, developing right attitude, and improving better coordination between body, mind and spirit. Eliminating physical, mental and emotional toxins.
1- One Day lecture: yogic, meditative tips and question answer session.
2- Three Days Elementary Course.
For one day course; 2.15 minutes.
For three days course; daily 1.5 hour.
1- 5.000 INR for one day
2- 10.000. INR For Three Days Elementary Course
Increase right attitude and mental alertness techniques.
Lower healthcare costs, and decrease frequency and duration of absenteeism
Increase efficiency, productivity and creativity.
Improve mindset, morale and loyalty.
Improve focus under deadline.
Enhance employee strength, posture and health and decrease chronic pain.
Decrease employees fatigue and back pain.
Decrease employee disease risk factors.
Yogic & Meditative tips which can be implemented in your daily routine. You don’t need to give extra time for improving your mental, physical and spiritual health. You can implement it in your mobile routine and get all benefits.
• Movement for Detoxification
• Moving yoga (mobile yoga)
• Self Motivational Techniques
• Pratyahara: how to divert our mind
• Relaxing Techniques
• Self Healing Techniques
• Recharging Techniques for instant energy.
• How to eliminate our emotional toxins.
• Techniques for sensual withdrawal.
Developing Healthier, Happier and More Productive officers
I have developed a unique yoga & meditation syllabus for increasing right attitude and de-stress level. In yoga philosophy, there are so many misconceptions. Most of us believe that asana and pranayam cure physical diseases like overweight, diabetes etc. But we always ignore about our ‘attitude’. The role of attitude in our life is most important. If it is not in right direction, you cannot survive. You cannot even enjoy with your own life. Productivity and creativity come only through the right attitude, not through disease-less body. You can even control your physical diseases through drugs. But how can you change your attitude in right direction? It cannot be controlled by any drugs. As Yoga and meditation says that most of physical and mental diseases come through negative attitude and stress.
When we are in right attitude, we find that our interactions with the world and ourselves become brighter, more productive and perpetuate the ‘feel good’ factor. This in turn makes us healthier, successful and more peaceful.
Why attitude is important for our body, mind and spirit:
Attitude is how we treat others
Attitude is the way we approach life
Attitude is contagious
Attitude is how we respond to challenges
Attitude affects our health
Attitude affects our relationships
Attitude is our personal trademark
Attitude determines if we fly or fall
Attitude creates experiences for you and others
• Illnesses linked to negative attitude account for more than two-thirds of
employee visits to hospitals.
• More than $200 billion per year is lost to industry from Attitude & Stress-
related ailments.
• More than HALF of all job absences are attributed to chronic pain, hypertension and headache? Even it comes through negative attitude and stress.
• A full one-third of adults cite high job-related stress nearly every day.
• Does your body support your mind?
• Does your mind support your body?
• Does your attitude support your organization?
COURSE PURPOSE: The main purpose of the course is reducing high stress level, developing right attitude, and improving better coordination between body, mind and spirit. Eliminating physical, mental and emotional toxins.
1- One Day lecture: yogic, meditative tips and question answer session.
2- Three Days Elementary Course.
For one day course; 2.15 minutes.
For three days course; daily 1.5 hour.
1- 5.000 INR for one day
2- 10.000. INR For Three Days Elementary Course
Increase right attitude and mental alertness techniques.
Lower healthcare costs, and decrease frequency and duration of absenteeism
Increase efficiency, productivity and creativity.
Improve mindset, morale and loyalty.
Improve focus under deadline.
Enhance employee strength, posture and health and decrease chronic pain.
Decrease employees fatigue and back pain.
Decrease employee disease risk factors.
Yogic & Meditative tips which can be implemented in your daily routine. You don’t need to give extra time for improving your mental, physical and spiritual health. You can implement it in your mobile routine and get all benefits.
• Movement for Detoxification
• Moving yoga (mobile yoga)
• Self Motivational Techniques
• Pratyahara: how to divert our mind
• Relaxing Techniques
• Self Healing Techniques
• Recharging Techniques for instant energy.
• How to eliminate our emotional toxins.
• Techniques for sensual withdrawal.
बुधवार, 3 मार्च 2010
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)
Displacement and it’s adjustment of nabhi through asana and meditation. It is believed that mostly physical diseases come through navel diso...
Q-Is there any permanent solution for Dislocated Navel? A-Yes, Yoga gives you a permanent cure of this acute problem. Except yoga there is n...