सोमवार, 2 फ़रवरी 2009
योगश्च्चित्त वृत्तनिरोधः
चित्त वृत्ति निरोध , योग है । इसमे कोई संदेह नही है की हम सभी योग को कुछ दूसरा समझते है । सिर्फ़ शारीरिक अभ्यास ही नही बल्कि ये मानसिक और आध्यामिक अभ्यास भी है । अध्यात्म की चरम सीढ़ी है । जिसमे मन को उसकी समस्त बीमारियों को समाप्त करने की बात करते हैं ।
· Preparing mind for leaving attachment with worldly life.....
· Trying to go inside and observe my whole past life.
· I meditate every day to know our own self, around myself, and other’s.
· Every day I die in my meditation. Avoid sensory overload.
· Observation of incoming and outgoing thoughts.
· Now I know, no one is in this world is mine and all are mine.
· Trying to go inside and observe my whole past life.
· I meditate every day to know our own self, around myself, and other’s.
· Every day I die in my meditation. Avoid sensory overload.
· Observation of incoming and outgoing thoughts.
· Now I know, no one is in this world is mine and all are mine.
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)
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