"spine & mind management" author yogi anoop
सोमवार, 25 मई 2009
सदस्यता लें
टिप्पणियाँ भेजें (Atom)
Displacement and it’s adjustment of nabhi through asana and meditation. It is believed that mostly physical diseases come through navel diso...
Q-Is there any permanent solution for Dislocated Navel? A-Yes, Yoga gives you a permanent cure of this acute problem. Except yoga there is n...
yes i agree with you upto a large extent but at the same time i would like to disagree. will not always talking healthy make life so monotonous. sometimes in between talking some useless stuffs too relaxes the mind and change the monotony of life. In my view the most important thing is the ability to figure out and pick up the positives. If that is there one can take something positive even from useless things. so useless thing is not always useless. But ya, healthy conversation is always good.
जवाब देंहटाएं