सोमवार, 21 दिसंबर 2009
शुक्रवार, 18 दिसंबर 2009
गुरुवार, 5 नवंबर 2009
Medi Yoga (Medical Yoga); a great exercise of brain:
Gayatri mantra; “om bhoorbhuah swah tats vitur varanyam, bhargo devasya dheemahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat”
A great mantra in Indian society, means
Another sloka of Patanjali Yog Darshan; “prayatn shaitilya ananta samapatti abbhyama”
When you start chanting brain gets exercise and having improvement in talent. When mind repeat these slokas or any mantra through the support of brain then brain becomes active and alert. Not repetition as my own experience of spirituality, mantra focus on so many section of brain. Even exercises of pranayam also give good effect on both right and left hemisphere of the brain. As example; exercise through left nostril breathing, our right side of the brain become started and right nostril breathing activates left side of the brain.
शुक्रवार, 16 अक्टूबर 2009
Blaming Mind (Nature of Mind)

When son of Mahatma Gandhi, drunk openly outside of the road and opted Muslim religion, then Gandhi told; it is my fault because I was not very positive mind during the pregnancy of mother. That’s why he born with bad sanskara. And his son blamed him whole life for his bad life.
If you shift the whole responsibility of your personal life to others, then it means you will be blaming to others in the future. Parents need to change this type of negative blaming attitude of their children. Teen ager should also focus on their selves.
I am giving here some tips bellow which will be very effective for improving our whole personality.
“Enthusiasm, perseverance, discrimination, unshakeable faith, courage, keeping in touch with positive people (are the six pillars) which bring normal behavior” along with these are a few very helpful aids.
•Healthy interaction
•Positive Attitude
•Breathing technique
•Unshakable Faith
•Reading Spiritual books
These seven factors can be cultivated anywhere, whether living in the city with your family or alone in a hermitage.
Everybody needs healthy interaction but blaming mind should especially practice this. Without healthy interaction, positive attitude can never come. Breathing (Anulom Vilom Pranayam) and meditation (Chaitanya meditation) helps to increase positivity in our mind, so let practice this.
मंगलवार, 25 अगस्त 2009
सोमवार, 24 अगस्त 2009
मन पर लगाम
गुरुवार, 13 अगस्त 2009

Do not squeeze you stomach muscles too much. In this picture let see the muscles is to be squeezed. It may become harmful for mental problem, like high blood pressure headache and lot of brain related problems. Mostly this type of person is more aware of their physique.
I have examined on those people who squeezes stomach all the time. Even they do it unconsciously. See the squeezed stomach muscles of one of the most famous actress anjilna jolly.
Nerves of the brain should not be relaxed; during this long time squeezing stomach muscles may harm nerves of the brain.
•Intestine may get also bad affect from this.
•High blood pressure is to be sure in this situation.
•Lower back also get affected.
•Urinal problem may rise in this situation.
During long time squeezed stomach muscles, brain get tired very soon. Because brain works unnecessary and mind become dull. In my case study, seen so many cases in young girls, they are more over-conscious about their physique. That’s why they squeeze their stomach muscles all the time. But side effect of this is very negative like depression, anxiety, fearness etc.
•Relax your stomach.
•Squeeze stomach muscles during exercise only, not all the
•Do not make it habitual.
रविवार, 9 अगस्त 2009
जो तू चाहे मूझको....
मुझ ही ऐसा होय रहो सब सुख तेरे पास।।
जेहि मरने से जग डरे , मेरे मन आनंद ।
कब मरिहों कब पहियों , पूरण परमानंद।
शुक्रवार, 31 जुलाई 2009
जा के आँगन नदिया बहे .....कबीर

जाके आँगन नदिया बहे, सो कस मरे पियास।"
जिसकी बांहों में बल है, उसको दूसरे की आसा छोड़ देनी चाहिए। जिसके आँगन में नदी बहती हो वो भला क्यों प्यासा मरे। शान्ति, ज्ञान इत्यादि किसी दूसरों से आशा करने से नही मिलती, मै तो मानता हूँ कि ईश्वर प्रार्थना से भी नही मिल सकती। ये अपने अन्दर मौजूद शक्ति, स्वयं के प्रयत्न व कोशिश से ही मिलती है। शान्ति दूसरों के कोशिश से कभी नही मिलती है , यदि मिलती होती तो महाभारत और रामायण की लडाई नही होती। हमें पता ही नही कि हम स्वयं शान्ति स्वरूप हैं। इसीलिये कबीर कहतें हैं। जिसके आँगन में नदी बहती हो वो भला प्यासा क्यों मरे।
To understand this doha correctly, one must understand the meaning of ‘power’. Here in this doha the Power means spiritual knowledge, which can gives you complete peace. The knowledge & peace of our self doesn’t mean outer knowledge. As I think if you know completely to your own senses, mind and spirit then you can know the mind, senses and spirit of everybody. Because the property of mind, senses, and spirit are the same in everyone’s, only the circumstances are changes. Kabir says; if you know your spirits then don’t need to know anything else. Actually ones feel emptiness into his inner self. Then they go to take help for others. You don’t need to beg for peace. It comes through you intellect.
He says again if you are full of water, One whose have power of knowledge, they don’t need for outside water, or other’s help. If the knowledge is in side then why we go outside for fulfilling our desires!
बुधवार, 29 जुलाई 2009
कबीर करता क्या करे

कितने मुफलिस हो गए, कितने तवंगर हो गए.
खाक में सब मिल गए, दोनों बराबर मिल गए.
many have been helpless and many brave.
when they mixed in dust, they all become one.
how false the price of body and wealth. this
is a worth considerartion.I what a deep sleep
man is! at the time of cremation of the body
of pandit Jawaharlal nehru, a foreign journlist
had remarked, " the same jawahar who was till
yesterday a great polotical leader of the world
has now become a handful of asses"
शुक्रवार, 24 जुलाई 2009
Dislocated Navel; Katrina & Priyanka chopra

The navel is most important part of our body. If it is located in its station then the whole body gets unimaginable energy. If dislocated then energy level will come down, diabetes, bowel moment will be upset even you try to take medication to solve these problems, you will not get ultimate solution. I just give you example for some actresses; like
Priyanka Chopra; her navel is little disturbed. Because of this dislocation she may increase weight very fast. She does not have exercise body. Air floated around her navel too much; she must be care about this otherwise she can face mental and menstrual fluctuation also. She should care about her posture; like sit straight, avoid drinking water immediately after meals, and need some back and navel strengthening exercises. She does not have for too much exercise because she is vata dominated. Only few basic exercises are needed for complete mental and physical health.
Katrina Kaif; by nature, she is a kaph dominated. Her navel is influenced with kapha. If you see her navel, you can diagnose her very goodly. She is also having too much attachment and very emotional, she cannot betray anyone. Emotional human faces too much problem of stomach because of dislocation of navel. If she tries to stretch her calf muscles then she will have no problem of navel.
God cannot be imagined, if you try to imagine it; it means you are making false image. It is your own picture or imagination which is created by you only. It is not a real picture of god. As I experienced, the real existence of god is this nature, prakriti and purush. You can never make a picture of your own self. Is it? No, never. Your own self is an indescribable subject. You only can describe it as “I” am. And also you cannot imagine this prakrati or nature. If I say let start to imagine the whole nature; impossible to imagine it.
A little object can be seen but only the surface. Property cannot be seen; you just know it by the real experience. Like; a piece of jogger can be seen but you can never see its sweetness. It will have to be real experience. You will have to put it on your tongue. Then can be get experience. the real existence of jogger is a sweetness. That’s why you cannot speak too much about this sweetness.
शनिवार, 11 जुलाई 2009
"गे" .........क्या सभी हैं!
धर्म कहता है कि यह प्रक्रित्रिक नही है। ग़लत कार्य को स्वतंत्रता देना है। ये तो जानवर भी नही करते । ईश्वर अल्ला और जीसस के कथनों के विरुद्ध है ये सब । यह बाई सेक्सुलिटी एक बीमारी है, इसका धर्म में इलाज होना चाहिए। कोई बीमार व्यक्ति यदि कहे कि हमारी बीमारी को बीमारी न मानकर इसे एक कानूनी रूप दे दो और इसे एक सभ्यता का दर्जा दे दिया जाय तो क्या दिया जाना चाहिए। इससे ऐड्स का खतरा भी बढ़ जाता है।
"गे" का कहना है कि इससे धर्म का कुछ लेना देना नही होना चाहिए। यह व्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता का प्रश्न है। जन्हाँ तक जानवर की बात है, उसमे भी कई जानवर ऐसे हैं जो बाई सेक्सुअल होतें है। इसे मानसिक बीमारी नही माना जाना चाहए।
जन्हा तक मेरा माँनना है कि, इसमे विरोध जैसी कोई बात नही। जन्हाँ तक धर्म की बात है उसमे तो ज्यादा तर ब्रम्हचारी कहलाने वाले महात्मा ही गे होते हैं। ब्रम्हचारी आपस में ही एक दूसरे ब्रम्हारी से अपनी वासना को संतुस्ट करतें हैं । जानवरों की जन्हाँ तक बात है उसमे कहना चाहूँगा कि क्या जानवर जो जो करतें हैं वही वही मनुष्य को करना चाहिए। जानवर तो २४ घंटे सेक्स के बारे में नही सोचता, वर्ष में कुछ महीने ही सेक्स करता है पर यह मनुष्य तो चौबीसों घंटे इसी के बारे में सोचता है। क्या यह अप्राक्रित्रिक नही है। कुछ लोग इसे मानसिक बीमारी का नाम दे रहे हैं। यदि ऐसा है तो दुनिया का लगभग हर एक आदमी और खास करके गृहस्थ तो ये कार्य कभी न कभी अपनी पत्नी से ही करता है । तो क्या सभी गृहस्थों को मानसिक बीमार माना लिया जाय।
इससे ऐड्स का खतरा बढ़ जाता है, मै कहता हूँ कि क्या ऐड्स के अन्य सभी कारणों पर भी इतना बवाल किया इन धार्मिक संगठनों ने, जो इस पर मचा रहे हैं ।
इसे हम पश्चिमी सभ्यता की देन मानतें हैं, जब की मनुष्यों में ये सदा से रही है, पहले लोग इसे छुपाये रखते थे, और अब ये खुला हो गया है।
मंगलवार, 23 जून 2009
डोगा; yoga for dog

मंगलवार, 16 जून 2009
pradosh जी
क्या हम उसे कोई वस्तु मानते हैं जिसे देखा और अनुभव किया जा सके। सामान्यतयः ईश्वर की धारणा विश्वाश पर चलती है। पर ध्यान विश्वाश पर नही चलता है । इसका ध्यान से कोई मतलब नही होता है । ध्यान प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव पर आधारित है जिसमे हमें यह pata hota है की विचारों से हमें दुःख होता है, काम क्रोध मोह लोभ हमें jakde हुए है । tabhee to हम इनके पार जाने की sochten है । ध्यान हमें इनके पार ले जाता है। विचारों के पार जाना होता है , अर्थात विचार विहीनता की स्थिति । इसकी अनुभूति मुझे होती, इसे ईश्वर कह लो या कुछ और ।
रविवार, 14 जून 2009
Inner engineering

शुक्रवार, 12 जून 2009
हमारा ग़लत स्वभाव
गुरुवार, 11 जून 2009
योगी बहता है !
बुधवार, 10 जून 2009

Now I started practice to know this separateness. Finally I got the ultimate way “how to sit behind our self palace”. This was the only way for achieving me. Earlier I was doing everything, but got nothing, now doing nothing and got everything. Everything doesn’t mean the outer worlds, but the level of inner satisfaction which I had achieved.
Chaitanya Meditation; let sit straight in any meditative pose with close eyes. Place should be dark where-ever you sit. Don’t try! Let see your closed eyes, as a great observer of this sense. As you start to observe around eyes, eye brow, inner part of eye, you will start feeling relax. Because you are making separate to yourself from one of the great sense, eyes. Like this let practice with other four senses.
शनिवार, 6 जून 2009
क्या भगवान् ही सब कुछ करता है?

मैंने पूंछा की भगवान के बारे में जो आप प्रवचन कर रहीं हैं, क्या यह भगवान् ही करा रहा है।
"बिल्कुल वही करा रहा है "
क्या जो लोग किसी को गाली देतें हैं, यह भगवान ही कराता।
"नही यह भगवान् नही बल्कि उसकी अज्ञानता है, जो उससे ग़लत कार्य कराती है"
तो क्या ग़लत कार्य व अज्ञानता भगवान् के अधिकार में नही होता।
"नही यह ग़लत कार्य तो उसके पूर्व जन्म का दुष्कर्म होता है"
हे माता जब भगवान् ही सब कुछ कराता है तो पूर्व जन्म में जो उस व्यक्ति ने दुष्कर्म किया तो उसका रिशपोंसिबल भला कौन? क्या अज्ञानता भगवान् के अधिकार में नही होता है ?
सत्य तो यह है कि हम अपने हर एक कार्य को भगवान् पर छोड़ देतें हैं।यद्यपि छोड़ दें तो समस्या का समाधान हो जाय, पर केवल बोलते हैं कि भगवान् सब कुछ कर रहा है, उस पर अमल नही करते हैं स्वयं पर रिस्पोंस्बिलिती कभी लेते ही नही ।
इस सिद्धांत से स्वयं के अन्दर परिवर्तन कभी भी नही हो सकता है । भगवान् आधार है हमारी एकाग्रता का। वो हमारे अन्दर मन की शक्ति को बढाता है । उसका उपयोग हम कैसें करे ये तो हमें ही सीखना पड़ेगा ।
बुधवार, 3 जून 2009
my diary 3-3-1998
हम कुछ ऐसा करें कि इसमे परिवर्तन हो सके ।
वह सबसे बड़ी कमजोरी क्या है जो इस महान रास्ट्र को दीमक कि भांति चाटे जा रही है । मुझे तीन बातों की कमी प्रमुख रूप से दिखाई देती है; अज्ञानता , लक्ष्यविहीनता , और आलस्य की कमी। इन तीनो में कौन पहले और कौन बाद में है , यह कहना मुश्किल है पर अज्ञानता को ही हमें प्रमुखता पर रखना होगा। क्योंकि ज्ञान के आने पर दिशा का निर्धारण स्वतः हो जाता है । दिशा के निर्धारण होने पर जीवन में एक गति आ जाती है । हम सभी भासनबाजी करने में माहिर हैं कर्म में नही । जो कर्म में माहिर हैं उन देशों को देखो, वे कंहा पर हैं ।
सोमवार, 1 जून 2009
Black vs. White
This poem was nominated for best poem of 2005 written by an African child:
When i was born, i black
when i grow up, i black
when i go in sun, i black
when i scared, i black

when i sick, i black
& when i die, i still black
& you white fella..
when you born, you pink
when you grow up, you white
when you go in sun, you red,
when you cold, you blue
when you scared, you yellow
when you sick, you green
& when you die, you gray
& you calling me colored??
Comment please…………………………
रविवार, 31 मई 2009
The base of confidence is belief: the confidence comes only after having belief. It’s your nature..............................
बुधवार, 27 मई 2009
स्त्रियों में डिप्रेशन;
शारीरिक ; इनके शरीर में कई परिवर्तन आतें हैं जैसे मासिक धर्म कि शुरुवात उसके बाद बच्चे का आना फिर एक उम्र के बाद मासिक धर्म का बंद हो जाना। बच्चे होने के बाद बच्चों से अत्यधिक लगाव । उसके भाभिस्य से सम्बंधित चिंता.
मानसिक ; शारीरिक और सामाजिक बदलाव स्त्री के मन में बहुत अधिक परिवर्तन लाती है। मुख्य परिवर्तन मोह या अटैचमेंट के रूप में आता है । और यही अति मोह स्त्री के डिप्रेसन का प्रमुख कारन बनती है। जब हमें सहारे कि ज्यादा जरूरत पड़ती है तो मोह जागृत होता ही है । सहारे कि ज्यादा जरूरत मन में असुरक्छा बढ़ा देती है। बचपने में माँ बाप तथा शादी होने के बाद पति का सहारा और उसके बाद बच्चों का सहारा । समाज में कुछ नियम ही ऐसा बना गया है कि हर समय उनको सहारे कि जरूरत पड़ती है । यद्यपि आज कल इसमे बहुत कमी आ रही है ।
सामाजिक ; शादी होने के बाद एक रीति रिवाज को छोड़ कर दूसरे रिवाज को ग्रहण करना, वंहा पर संघर्ष कर
मंगलवार, 26 मई 2009
The major cause of obesity is sensual overload. Generally people believe about overeating and hormonal imbalance. But I found in my case study, the major cause of obesity is sensual overload. Taste glands are overactive because of sensual overload.
Do right to right nostril breathing for 20 minute at a stretch.
Do let to left nostril breathing for 10 minute immediate after right to right breathing.
And now do alternate breathing for 20 minutes.
Inhale with effort, while chest expansion.
Exhales without effort with chest relax.
You can do it, even watching TV or sitting on sofa.
It can be done after the gap of two hour meals.
1 ½ kg will weight reduce in a weak.
blood pressure will become normal in only 7 days.
sleep problem to be solved within weak.
problem of headache can be solved within weak.
सोमवार, 25 मई 2009
अहम् ब्रम्हास्मि
योगी अनूप
Start slow and finish fast;
The law of accumulation says “by the yard its hard, by inch by inch, anything’s a cinch.”
When you begin thinking about saving 10 or 20 percent of your earnings, you will immediately think of all kind of reasons that it is not possible. You might be up to your neck in debt. You might be spending every single penny that you earn today just to keep afloat.
If you do find in this situation, instead of saving 10 percent, begin saving just one percent of earnings in a special account, which you refuse to touch.
Develop discipline;
The achievement of financial achievement will require a tremendous number of small efforts on your part. To begin the process of accumulation, you must be disciplined and persistent you must keep at it for long, long time. Initially, you will see very little change, change or difference but gradually, your effort will begin to bear fruit. You will begin to pull ahead of your peers. Your finances will improve and your debt will disappear.
Taken it from chhoti chhoti batein
गुरुवार, 7 मई 2009
IRREPARABLE MIND; irreparable software virus
Here I have given some points
· Over desirous mind
· Excessive and negative competitiveness
· Over Attachment to material things and negative emotions
· Over Consciousness about illness (hypochondraism)
· Lust and Greediness
· Anger and hostility
· Loneliness
You have two options; you have a choice, either positive or negative sanskaras. It depends upon you (soul) if having positive aspect then it is repairable and the whole personality will be in the right constructive direction otherwise it will be in irreparable and the destructive direction.
शनिवार, 2 मई 2009
अमिताभ बच्चन; एक खोखला व्यक्तित्व
अमिताभ बच्चन ने अपने ब्लॉग में लिखा की उनको बहुत दुःख हुआ, इस बात को लेकर की धूनी ने देश का सम्मान न लेकर पुरे देश का अपमान किया है। सच में उनके इस घोर दुःख से देश दुखी हो या न हो लेकिन मैं दुखी जरूर हूँ इनके खोखले व्यक्तित्व को देख कर । जब ये उत्तर प्रदेश को एक उत्तम प्रदेश कह रहे थे तब इनकी अंतरात्मा को दुःख नही हुआ। की वंहा की दुर्दशा क्या है । तब तो ये पैसे ले कर टी वी पर प्रचार किए जा रहे थे। और आज जब धूनी अपनी जवानी को भुना रहा है तो ये महाशय कहते हैं की इनको दुःख हुआ। और जब मुंबई पर तेररोरिस्त का हमला हुआ तब तो इनको अपनी ही जान की पड़ी थी, बाबु साहब पिस्टल तकिया के अन्दर रखकर सो रहे थे। तब देश के लिए इनकी अंतरात्मा को दुःख नही हुआ। तब दरवाजे के बाहर भी नही निकल सके की जनता को सांत्वना दे सकें। कम से कम ऐश्वर्या से ही खुस हो लेना चाहिए।
और इस सरकार को क्या कहें जिन्हें कुछ देना चाहिए उनको ये जानते ही नही, वे तो बेचारे भूखें मर गए। बिस्मिल्ला खान, एक महान सक्सियत जिनको अवार्ड दिया पर खाना देना हुआ तो किनारा कर लिया । वे बेचारे मर गए, अवार्ड के साथ। अब धूनी को भी ये सरकार वाले मारने की योजना बना रहें हैं। वो बेचारा कमा रहा है, जब देखो अवार्ड थमाने (देने) लागतें हैं ।
वर्तमान डरावना है
गुरुवार, 30 अप्रैल 2009
REPAIRABLE MIND; mind can be always repairable

“Enthusiasm, perseverance, discrimination, unshakeable faith, courage, keeping in touch with positive people (are the six pillars) which bring success” along with these are a few very helpful aids.
•Healthy interaction
•Positive Attitude
•Time management
•Memory management
•Breathing technique
•Unshakable Faith
•Music and reading books
These nine factors can be cultivated anywhere, whether living in the city with your family or alone in a hermitage.
गुरुवार, 23 अप्रैल 2009
MIND+BRAIN (SOFTWARE+HARDWARE); a divine computer.

A system (computer) requires two important things, software and hardware. If you want your system work properly then hardware and software must be work together. This is also applicable to our own body. Brain is like hardware and mind is like software. If you want to become healthy hardware & software both, then it will have to work together. If mind doesn’t work properly then brain cannot do anything, if brain is inefficient then mind or thought cannot apply on your body. Asana or any type of physical exercise improves brain and body’s stamina, but it cannot improve the quality of thoughts. For improving quality of thoughts, must fallow the technique of meditation. It starts from breathing exercises and graduate to meditation. These exercises are very simple and simply mean the right method of breathing.
For an example: an angry or upset person breathes very rapidly. If he is able to remember at that point to slow down his breathing, he will soon see that his anger has lessened.
रविवार, 19 अप्रैल 2009
History repeats itself; is it true?

You can never hold the repetition of history because history repeats itself. Karl Marx also quotes to this, “history repeat itself, first as tragedy, second as farce”
It is correct with every section; I am going to discuss here on our own self. Our faults in the past repeat itself in the present so many times. You make mistakes and repeat it again. If you see minutely about your words of mouth, lot of repetition comes in the present unknowingly. Even you repeat the same words or sentence so many times in a day.
Why? Is it right or wrong? Sometimes it right and sometimes it’s wrong. When you do not learn from your history then it is wrong and when you learn from your history then it is right. Everybody does mistakes but one who learns from the past and try to not repeat next time then it is right. It doesn’t mean that he will not make mistakes in the present and future. But it will not be same mistakes. He will do, because when you face the present, you can make the mistakes, but it is your responsibility, how have to not repeat it in the future.
शनिवार, 11 अप्रैल 2009

How many times we have heard by lot of organizations about raising voice for fundamental rights of the citizens of India. It is absolutely right to know our rights for preventing exploitations but who takes the responsibility to make them aware of their duties?
“People tend to forget their duties but remember their rights”, this is what Ex Prime Minister Indira Gandhi once said about duties and rights.
This is absolutely correct, that we are only aware about what my parents, family, society or government is not given me but we never think about our self that what I have given him, what I genuinely should do for myself or for my society or nation.
This is only because of we are living into our own limited boundary. Actually we are self centred totally.
Even we have no idea about how much we have to eat and what should we eat. We fully Literate and aware completely about our rights but truth is totally different. Except this literacy, we are uneducated. We do not know what to talk, where to talk and how to talk.
Everybody, especially youngsters speak fluently that a politics is a dirty game. Do you know that are you performing your duty?
What should prime minister does, what barrack obama should do, but did you find that what you should do?
Yogi Anoop
शुक्रवार, 3 अप्रैल 2009
YOGA & STRESS; temporary impotency in men

Temporary impotence is a common occurrence, especially in males. It is very common about one in ten men. In fact, most men get experience temporary impotence at some point in their lives. The most common cause of it, stress, anxiety, depression, tiredness and alcohol is. Most people associate it with a serious disease and are distraught at the thought. But temporary impotence can be cured much faster than long term impotence by the help of yogic and meditative technique. Once that root problem is addressed, the temporary impotence disappears as soon as it arrived.
Yogic technique
Due to stress brain releases some chemical which reduces blood flow around genital or penis area. In this situation yogic technique plays a great role for increasing blood flow around genital area and also improves better coordination between brain and penis (lower portion of the body). The temporary impotency is to be solved in the past through these techniques. Like mool bandh, agnisar, kapalbhanti and maha mudra. Mool bandh is a technique which gives better circulation around lower part of the body, especially penis and rectum area and also associated part of the brain. The practice of agnisar kriya and kapalbhanti increases the level of fire in the body and maha mudra balances coordination between mind and body.
Need to be changed patients bad life style. Try to eliminate excess intake of alcohol and smoking. Always should be in touch with good people. Try to avoid pain killers, cold remedies, tranquillizers, sleeping aids, and etc.
Engage in stress-reducing activities, such as exercise, pranayam, meditation or even your traditional techniques.
Your body needs detoxification and applies all those things which could clean the body and mind. And yoga is a best way for this.
गुरुवार, 26 मार्च 2009
Yoga; Anti constipation pills
Unfortunately, modern competitive thinking, stress, anxiety and diet place an extraordinary load on the colon which is also a major cause of constipation. It is not a disease; it is due to only by bad life style.
Infact in hath yoga & medi yoga has techniques which help in removing constipation at all levels including mental and spiritual. Techniques such as nauli and sankh prakchalan kriya help in removing constipation and activating small, large intestine and make better coordination between colon and brain. Without good association between brain and colon, constipation cannot be removed. The part of the brain which is closely associated with colon and small intestine have must be in active position. The only yoga can helps to coordinate this, not medicine.
बुधवार, 18 मार्च 2009
Conditioned Mind

Another disease or weakness of mind is to be conditioned. If you are aware from this conditioning then can be get solution easily. First thing to ask yourself that are you in the grip of conditioning. If everything is perfectly happy around you, your wife loves you, you love her, you have a nice house, nice children and plenty of money, and then you are not aware of your conditioning at all. But when there is a disturbance – when wife look someone else or you lose your money or are pain or any type of anxiety- then you know you are conditioned. And as most of us disturbed most of the time, these disturbances indicate that we are conditioned.
गुरुवार, 5 मार्च 2009
Marriage in टॉयलेट (मैरिज़ इन टॉयलेट)

लोग टॉयलेट में सिगरेट, पेपर पढ़ते हैं , गुन्गुनातें हैं पर मुझे उस समय चिंतन करना अच्छा लगता है । विचारोंके साथ खेलने में, उनको पकड़ने में , तथा uनको मारने में आनंद आता है । ये सब करने में भूल ही जाता हूँ की मै यंहा आया किस लिए था । कभी कभी तो टॉयलेट में घंटों बिता देता हूँ और मुझे समय का पता ही नही चलता।
पेशाब करने में सामान्य लोग लगभग एक से दो मिनट लगाते हैं लेकिन मैं तो लगभग पाँच से दस मिनट लगाता हूँ । मेरे मित्र तो कहतें हैं कि इसने तो रावन को भी मात दे दिया। वैसे रावन पेशाब करने में सबसे अधिक समय लगाता था ।
योग के अनुसार तो ऐसा करने वाले की किडनी बहुत मजबूत होती है या फ़िर बहुत कमजोर होती है। मेरी क्या है ये मुझे मालूम नही।
घर में पिता जी माँ से चिल्लाते हुए कहते थे - लगता है की पूर्व जन्म में, यह टॉयलेट में ही पैदा हुआ था क्या ? सूरज निकल आया है ... अरे दितोक्सिफिकेशन की हद होती .... यह कहते हुए ऑफिस की ओर निकल जाते थे ।
इसके बाद मेरी मां की बारी आती थी- अरे बर्थडे करके निकलोगे क्या ? चिंता न कर तेरी शादी भी मै उसी में करवा के मानूंगी । वन्ही अपनी बीबी के साथ सब कुछ करना .....बडबडाते हुए टॉयलेट के दरवाजे की ओर दौड़ती थी।
डर के मारा मै किसी तरह आधा काम बींच में ही छोड़ कर आता था ।
और अब शादी के बाद बीबी मेरे चिंतन से परेशान है .....वो तो कहती है , क्या वन्ही पर शीर्शाशन लगा लिया क्या।
मेरे यह कहने पर कि मै चिंतन कर रहा हूँ .....
"जितने भी पागल और सनकी हुए हैं वे टॉयलेट में ही चिंतन करतें हैं । "
सत्य तो यह है की मै हर एक पल का उपयोग करता हूँ । मेरा अनुभव है जब प्रयोग नही होगा तो कोई खोज नही होसकती। प्रयोग के लिए न कोई स्थान और न कोई समय होता है ।
Displacement and it’s adjustment of nabhi through asana and meditation. It is believed that mostly physical diseases come through navel diso...
Q-Is there any permanent solution for Dislocated Navel? A-Yes, Yoga gives you a permanent cure of this acute problem. Except yoga there is n...